vendredi 1 février 2008

Using Seam 2.0 + Wicket 1.3 + Netbeans 6.0 + Glassfish V2

Posted by: Frank Martinez on novembre 21, 2007 DIGG (The Server Side)

One of the more exciting features of JBoss Seam 2.0 is that it can be used without JSF.

Here is a sample project using Seam 2.0 with Apache Wicket 1.3 instead of JSF.

1. Runs out of the box in Glassfish V2. (Not tested in JBoss AS)
2. Uses default Glassfish Toplink Essentials instead Hibernate.
3. Is a Netbeans 6.0 project. (100% Ant compatible)

There is also a well layered architecture diagram for this specific scenario.

Original post and the downloadable project are at:
Frank Martinez's Blog

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