vendredi 29 février 2008

JSR 299, WebBeans: Will EJB rise again?

"JSF really needs some major improvements" says Gavin King in a recent article on SD Times. Alex Handy wrote a short, interesting piece on JSR 299, Web Beans titled EJB's Path to Browser Takes Shape. The article covers Web Beans, JSF 2.0 and how Gavin King, the founder of Hibernate and Seam, wants to simplify web development for JEE so that it is as productive as Ruby on Rails and PHP.

There are some interesting quotes from Gavin King with regards to JEE needing to be trimmed down and where Seam and Web Beans fit in the JEE diet.

From previous posts on Seam and Orchestra, it seems that Seam is not really tied to EJB at all. And, you can easily use Seam without EJB.

So why do you suppose Web Beans/Seam is positioned as the way to get "EJB's Path to Browser"?

Will EJB see a reemergence through Web Beans and Seam?

What do you think of Gavin King's position on JEE, EJB, JSF, Seam, and Web Beans as stated in the article by Alex Handy?

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